I can’t leave home without…will turn the car around or make a quick stop for these three things:


CHAPSTICK– Hey it took forever but it’s cold now I don’t be outside freezing and have cracked chapped lips. It fits in my purse and I’m not out in public with crusty lips


HAND LOTION– The winter is very hard on my hands it’s been so bad they would crack right around my nail beds and bleed and it’s painful. I keep hand lotion around because I hate gloves and coats. (don’t judge me) So keeping lotions helps.


DEODORANT- Hey sometimes I forget hey we all forget because we’re rushing or  we had a long night before. There are millions of reasons so I keep an extra stick of deodorant in my car just in case I have one of those mornings.

This is apart of the #31dayblogchallege  let me know what you can’t leave home without below.

Until next time,


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